Lina Bo Bardi: Together
“The artist’s freedom has always been “individual”, but true freedom can only be collective. A freedom aware of social responsibilities, which can knock down the frontiers of aesthetics…
Lina Bo Bardi, a Brazilian modernist architect who devotes her life in brazil to promoting societal and cultural potencial of architecture as well as design. Nevertheless, her notable works are also included furniture and jewellery.
Thanks to Lina Bo Bardi: Together exhibition, curated by Noemi Blager. The exhibition dedicated to Lina Bo Bardi's projects, especially for the local community, as well as her contribution to design community.
Said that Lina Bo Bardi: Together is a storytelling exhibition that aims to hi-lighting her work through the installations and art object by various artist. We can not only be impressed by the art-pieces, but also the artist's perspective.
Watching mini-documentary through our Vimeo Chanel
The installation by Madelon Vriesendorp visualised Lina Bo Bardi's standpoint of the contribution to design community. She has organized numerous exhibitions of Brazilian folk art to identifying an aesthetic and poetic craft objects of Brazilian culture. Madelon Vriesendorp choose to exhibiting Lina Bo Bardi's objective by the collection of local objects: tools, votive figures, ex-votos, toys and items made from tin. Somes are sacred. Most of them came from the markets of Salvador de Bahia. Along with output objects from workshop with local children at The Solar do Unhão.

Cardboard Figure by Madelon Vriesendorp inspired from "EXU", Afro-Brazilian deities which popular in folk art representing the movement and balance, and connect the material and spiritual world.

Paper Hands by Madelon Vriesendorp reflecting the strong passion of Lina Bo Bardi for Brazilian craft.
The dynamic part of this exhibition is the short movies from Tapio Snellman ehich leads us to the life in the SESC Pompeia, the cultural center of Bo Bardi in Sao Paulo. Focus on the change of space through time and behaviour of people. Meanwhile the water-reflection screen displayed the rhythm of life in San Paolo. Plus, another corner placed the collection of photography of Lina's private life by Ioana Marinescu.
The memorable part of this show is the exposure of the Bardi's Bowl Chair. The iconic chair designed by Lina Bo Bardi in 1951, specially produced thanks to Arper.
Lina Bo Bardi: Together will be exhibited at Triennale di Milano of Italy through September 2014
For the schedule of other city, visit the official website here.