HOMI Smart: delineate smart magazine by upcycling tweets
Twitter - the SMS of Internet - is one of the key mediums in modern communication. The 140 characters limitation made each tweet firmly short yet charming. Its essence, fastly broadcasting word-of-mouth with no particular privacy level, allowed us to find, access, and investigated the topic globally without limits. On communicating design, Twitter is also considered as a media to present products' existence.
HOMI Smart, one of innovation and lifestyle curation platform, make use of Twitter as an experimental media format - the Twitter magazine. Intending to use the relation of community in social media to be a medium for observation and exchange the matters. HOMI Smart's tweets based on smart home, internet of things, app, virtual and augmented reality, software, services, 2.0, and innovation. From 2016, HOMI Smart spreads more than thousands of curated contents to thousands of audiences.
We want our messages to be long enough to be discovered. However, they would be lost in time or buried in the flood of data. The retweet feature helps us in this case so that the message will be pass through the audience as far as possible. To be heard, to be found in the borderless connectivity.
But how about the offline audiences?
On HOMI 2017, HOMI Smart create HOMI Smart goes paper mag, a collection of 2400 tweets selected from its account and participating communities. Transforming self and user-generated contents into analog retweet form. The message has been upcycled, delineating smart communication by using an economical process to complete social media communication's ecosystem efficiently.
Accidentally found FUTURECRAFTER's message featured among 2400 selected tweets by HOMI SMART's paper version :)
The making of HOMI Smart goes paper mag in HOMI 2017
HOMI Smart goes paper mag reaches out new audiences, in this case: non-subscribers and ground visitors. The publishing process is real-time, accessible on fairgrounds. Performing the transparency of documenting message from Twitter - which is already transparent. This convergence delivered unique value to unique audience, make it a collectible objects. HOMI Smart's paper edition illustrates an alternative definition of smart while heading towards the future.