Color Space Light : Chomatic light in motion
Color Space Light is an object designed by a London-based designer and craftsman Louie Rigano. An ambient lighting object that integrates a digital color space within an physical, analogue form. Coloured light is created in a space through physical engagement with the object. The object composed by diffusion film, acrylic rod, and LEDs.

PULSAR: The chemical transformation light
PULSAR, a chemical lamp project by SAVE art & science laboratory that created an object which would allow observing a chemical process in real time.

Oxidation Aftermath: The aesthetic of Handmade Industrials

Worldbeing: A carbon-usage tracker for our 'tomorrow'
Worldbeing: A wearable for the world by Layer, is a self-directed wearable and app supported by the Carbon Trust that tracks carbon usage, empowering consumers to make better decisions and driving real change.

Chair 3/4 : an unconventional idea of seating
A wrenched-like chair created by a Georgia-based product designer, Sandro Lominashvil.

Love Lamps by Sandro Lominashvil
Inspired by classic Anglepoise Lamp. Each couple of lamps has an attached part to reflect various gestures. Creating an emotional light source.

Prism | Visual dynamism objects by Jakob Hartel
The live furniture collection which rendered the translation of light through time and gives us a wondering moment to questions the value of projection.
![Stella: lighting object by Geoffroy Gillant [interview]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/53d966a4e4b01c5aaf99021b/1430310691257-KGWTQ06EKX6M38V8TMYS/image-asset.jpeg)
Stella: lighting object by Geoffroy Gillant [interview]
Stella, an extraordinary domestic lighting object with the astronomical inspired concept that will remind us the moonlight.