Capturing Biennale Design Saint Ètienne 2015
In this year, the 9th Biennale Internationale Design Saint Étienne came up with the main theme as The Experience of Beauty. The design gathering that examined the important of forms, meaning, function, to illustrate us the value which conduct by aesthetics.
![Stella: lighting object by Geoffroy Gillant [interview]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/53d966a4e4b01c5aaf99021b/1430310691257-KGWTQ06EKX6M38V8TMYS/image-asset.jpeg)
Stella: lighting object by Geoffroy Gillant [interview]
Stella, an extraordinary domestic lighting object with the astronomical inspired concept that will remind us the moonlight.

RÉSERVE DÉBOUSSOLÉE: Disoriented storeroom
An interactive installation where we find an experience of art and photography discovering through sounds, images, organic, and digital approch.

AURA : Interactive lighting experience
A new lighting design, crafted from light and sound that interact with users. Allowed us to experience the interaction of our movements. Exploring the synchronisation between musical instrument and emotional response; as fascinating as relaxing.