Color Space Light : Chomatic light in motion
Color Space Light is an object designed by a London-based designer and craftsman Louie Rigano. An ambient lighting object that integrates a digital color space within an physical, analogue form. Coloured light is created in a space through physical engagement with the object. The object composed by diffusion film, acrylic rod, and LEDs.

PULSAR: The chemical transformation light
PULSAR, a chemical lamp project by SAVE art & science laboratory that created an object which would allow observing a chemical process in real time.
![Stella: lighting object by Geoffroy Gillant [interview]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/53d966a4e4b01c5aaf99021b/1430310691257-KGWTQ06EKX6M38V8TMYS/image-asset.jpeg)
Stella: lighting object by Geoffroy Gillant [interview]
Stella, an extraordinary domestic lighting object with the astronomical inspired concept that will remind us the moonlight.

AURA : Interactive lighting experience
A new lighting design, crafted from light and sound that interact with users. Allowed us to experience the interaction of our movements. Exploring the synchronisation between musical instrument and emotional response; as fascinating as relaxing.