10 Secret Treasures: the mysterious introduction by JCP
“Design of the future will easily cross history, culture, and epochs without ideological exclusion or aesthetic requirements”
After the preview presentation of Secret Gates performance at the Triennale Teatro dell’Arte, JCP introduced its universe through the 10 Secret Treasures installation, in collaboration with Vittorio Borsari, during Milan Design Week 2016 in Via Solferino, in the heart of Brera Design District.
10 Secret Treasures. Fuorisalone2016. image©Futurecrafter
Livio Ballabio, a designer of JCP universe, in collaboration with Katia Meneghini and Thanos Zakopoulos of CTRLZAK Art and Design Studio, designed the artistic direction of the entire project. Then joined with two designers – Alessandro Zambelli and Emanuele Magini, to interpret JCP spirit by creating a surreal collection that redefines homeware creation.
The entrance. 10 Secret Treasures. image©Futurecrafter
10 objects were hidden in the two-level mysterious space, recreating the continuing quest-like voyage. Exposing “the collection, from this point of view", a paradigm, and a new journey.
10 Secret Treasures. image©Futurecrafter
Secret objects are:
Twins are different
The mirror does not reflect
All that it can see
"After long effort and study at last becoming able to make herself understood, she explains that all her folk are of the same unusual colour as she had once been, as was the light in the sky and everything else in her dimension."
DOLMLOD. 10 Secret Treasures. image©Futurecrafter
The Moon-King’s three sons
Neutronium covers skin
Supernormal prize
"After many battles the brave tourist compels the medium-sized giant to disgorge his entire treasure, although the giant bitterly curses whoever should come to hold his wealth."
By Emanuele Magini
OSFORTH. 10 Secret Treasures. image©Futurecrafter
Footstep of a cat
Uncertainty principle
The roots of a cloud
“It has strength the eye cannot discern,” says the artist, “Because I have forged it from secret and impalpable things: the footstep of a cat, the uncertainty principle, the roots of a cloud, the breath of a fish and the spittle of a bird.”
By Emanuele Magini
ORAURO. 10 Secret Treasures. image©Futurecrafter
ORAURO. 10 Secret Treasures. image©Futurecrafter
Shrugging off the years
The winter clothes you wore out
Hang up your time here
"When he awakes he is in the genetisister’s clinic, and she is still as fresh and beautiful as the dawn of the day he was born. And for all that any mortals know, he lives there still, imprisoned in the timeless and perfect worship of the tenth genetisister."
By Emanuele Magini
GALAVER. 10 Secret Treasures. image©Futurecrafter
You try to escape
The further away you run
The more it loves you
"One day he finds to his horror and dismay that his domestic digifabricator has downloaded and printed a creature of most disturbing appearance."
OGLOF. 10 Secret Treasures. image©Futurecrafter
Winning but always
Distracted by the beauty
Of things out of reach
"A runner whose body and face are boyish for a girl, yet girlish for a boy, causes much sorrow and has this oracle proclaimed at the Temple of Playsatan: “Never be one thing or the other for anybody, for it will be your ruin.”
By Alessandro Zambelli
SURANDE. 10 Secret Treasures. image©Futurecrafter
Moonscraper music
Machine intelligences
Bound by song and string
Open up what has been shut
To see the outside
By Alessandro Zambelli
IXORB (left) and LIGOMANCER (Right). 10 Secret Treasures. image©Futurecrafter
Magic is real here
Sooner or later you see
What’s on the inside
"The glittering Perlie Court processes through the fields of lunar panels, blessing the farmers’ electrons, until at last the radioactive company comes to the place where the galactic knight lies in his bestial form under a dying tree.”
FYLGRADE. 10 Secret Treasures. image©Futurecrafter
10 Secret Treasures. image©Futurecrafter
10 Secret Treasures. image©Futurecrafter
Lost in the forest
Warrior women dancing
Look: do not approach
"After being lost in the forest all night he finds a group of women attending a festival. They are all exceedingly beautiful and muscular, circling around with smooth and easy motions, making some sort of performance art of which the coolhunter cannot understand the meaning.”
AGAXA. 10 Secret Treasures. image©Futurecrafter
Forest in AGAXA. 10 Secret Treasures. image©Futurecrafter
Outro. 10 Secret Treasures. image©Futurecrafter
Each object narrated by Alistair Gentry, a storyteller who brought us to another dimension, reflection, and surreal imagination.